my brother

My brothers name is Ryon. He is 8 years old. His favorite coler is blue. He loves to play sports. His favorite sports are football, baseball and basketball. He loves to play with his friend Casey. Casey has a basketball cort in there backyard that they love to play on it. He loves to climb trees, he allways goes the highest and I have no idea how. He loves baby yoda. baby yoda has many names, such as.

-the child


His favotite baketball player is Giannis Antetkounmpo. He also has 1'000'000 shirts for Michael Jordan (jump man). His favorite book series is Horrible Harry. As I type this he is right next to me and he is now informing me that Michael Jordan whore a gold earring. His favorite movie is spacejam. so that is all about my brother.